My First and Second Twitter Chat

My first Education chat on Twitter didn’t go as I planned it to. I participated in #EdChat but I was fairly anxious, and I spent more time contemplating my thoughts into words than I actually did typing them, and before I knew it, it was over and I didn’t do much more than say, that it was my first Ed chat and that I’m an education major. I have to say though, the people involved were all very welcoming, and I did enjoy reading what others had to say about the topic, which was, “How do we support a movement for supportive, effective, and collaborative professional development for all educators?” This was something I have never thought about before and I am glad I got the opportunity to see other thoughts on the topic.

Since the first twitter chat didn’t go as I expected I joined another one about an hour after #EdChat ended, called #6thChat. It was a small chat, with about 7-8 people participating. Everyone was very welcoming! I tried to answer as many questions as I could. There were six questions posted, and I answered three of them, as the others seemed to be geared towards people who have been teaching in a classroom already. But I enjoyed this experience and would definitely do another Education chat in the future. It felt good to participate in a discussion with educators and be able to read and hear their thoughts about the topics discussed.

These are the questions and my responses:

Q1:What does the phrase “opportunity to respond” (OTR) mean, and why is it important?

Q4: Why should teachers plan to include multiple opportunities for students to respond during direct instruction?

Q5: When students are working in small groups, how do you ensure that all students are actively participating and on task?

4 thoughts on “My First and Second Twitter Chat

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  1. Andrea, I was also super anxious for my first twitter chat, and spend way more time thinking of a “good” answer than necessary. I found everyone in the chat to also be very welcoming! I am happy your second chat went better!


  2. Im glad that you were able to have a good experience with your second Twitter Chat!! I also felt a bit nervous but your right, its a great experience to collaborate with other educators!


  3. I was really nervous about it too! I also looked at #6thChat and was curious about it, so thank you for sharing your thoughts on that. My twitter chat was a small group too, and I found that to be very inviting and easier to adapt to.


  4. My first twitter chat was extremely overwhelming as well. I am so glad that you decided to try again so soon following your first experience! If you’re looking for another one to try #teachermyth is happening on February 12th at 9pm. Seems like it will be interesting!


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